Built-in BBQs, hot tubs and saunas are Britons' latest must-have garden accessories | Daily Mail Online

2022-07-15 19:46:40 By : Ms. Tina Tang

By Gemma Parry For Mailonline

Published: 11:37 EDT, 26 June 2022 | Updated: 11:40 EDT, 26 June 2022

Hot tubs and saunas are the new must-have garden accessory, according to a new poll. 

The luxury items have become more popular than south-facing gardens, outdoor bars, 'naff' gnomes and sheds as we head into the summer months. 

Researchers believe that hit TV shows such as Channel 4's Grand Designs and Sarah Beeny's Little House, Big Plans are part of the reason why people's ideal garden accessories have changed. 

Over a quarter of people - 26 per cent - of those asked have said they now want a hot tub or a sauna to dip into in the back gardens. 

The luxury items have become more popular than south-facing gardens, gnomes and sheds

Only 20 per cent were interested in adding the age-old garden gnome to their garden

A fifth - 21 per cent - said they wanted their very own outdoor bar while a further 21 per cent said they would have liked an outdoor pantry for entertaining guests

By comparison, just 21 per cent wanted the extra storage space of a more traditional shed and only 20 per cent were interested in the age-old garden gnome or ornaments for decoration in their gardens. 

Etiquette expert William Hanson has dubbed the quirky extras in garden's as 'naff'.  

'A gnome on its own in what is a nice garden can be an ironic touch, but they're still a naff addition,' he said. 

'A family of gnomes dotted around the garden goes way beyond that, it's just tragic.'

And while most plants love a south-facing garden with it's day long sunshine, just 18 per cent stipulated it as a desire for their own gardens. 

A fifth - 21 per cent - said they wanted their very own outdoor bar while a further 21 per cent said they would have liked an outdoor pantry for entertaining guests. 

Around 33 per cent said they envied their neighbours with kitchen islands in their outdoor space or an office or a gym. 

Meanwhile, over half wanted their very own permanent barbecue area while 47 per cent said they would love some nice garden furniture to relax in the warm summer evenings. 

Ian Fletcher, an air-conditioning fitter from Great Dunmow, Essex, said: 'I had a hot tub and a sauna put in last year and it's the best thing I've done for the garden. 

'You can't beat a soak in the hot tub with a beer followed by a nice sauna,' the 53-year-old added.

Just 18 per cent stipulated a south facing garden as a desire for their own property

Over half of those surveyed wanted their very own permanent barbecue area

'The only problem is the cost of energy has made them a bit pricey to run so I'm thinking of charging [my] mates when they come round.'

Taskrabbit, which links tradesmen with homeowners asked 1,000 UK adults what features they valued the most in their gardens. 

Begum Zarmann, a spokeswoman for the company, said: 'Gardens are not just outdoor spaces anymore - they are much more multi-functional.

'Home owners now expect a lot more from their garden, too, be it a hot tub, a home bar or a home gym and somewhere that really becomes an extra living space.

'Our research also shows that people not only want their garden to have substance, but style as well so it becomes a space that really adds value to your life.'

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