Salt caves! Sensory deprivation chambers! A massage in a sky loft! Far-flung destinations! Open up and say spaaahhh.
Although spas around Texas took a hit when the pandemic began two years ago, the industry is enjoying a robust recovery. Spas have designed new treatments and creative approaches to help guests feel at ease and safe. Texas Monthly staff writers scoped out the latest trends, hit the road to explore destination spas, spent (more) quality time with their loved ones, and stepped out of their comfort zones on their own. We all deserve a break right now, and these spas are ready to help.
Look, spa, no hands! Looking for stress relief via a salt cave, a “wellness tube,” and an infrared sauna pod. Read More.
Welcome to the Big D-Tox. Read More.
Nestled by the majestic Rio Grande and Big Bend National Park, Lajitas Golf Resort and Spa gave me the recharge I needed. Until it didn’t. Read More.
At the charming Hotel Ritual, in small-town Jacksonville, you can tap into any frequency you wish. Read More.
During a solo visit to Sonora’s JL Bar Ranch, Resort & Spa, an introvert gamely steps out of their comfort zone. Read More.
If a husband and wife can quarantine together, they can get manicures together. Read More.
La Cantera and Lake Austin Spa offer many options for couples and friends. Massage table for two, anyone? Read More.
An anxious multitasker faces her fears by spending an hour in a sensory deprivation tank in Dallas. If it worked for the Cowboys in the eighties, then it could work for her too. Read More.
A session with the Traveling Hypnotist felt like a massage for the mind. Read More.
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