New Scientist

2022-05-13 23:47:10 By : Ms. Lisa .

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After a swim at my gym, I can choose a sauna (dry and hot) or steam room (wet and hot). Both make me sweat, so which is better for my well-being? Or are both just self-flagellation?

Joy Hussain General practitioner and sauna researcher, Brisbane, Australia

According to responses to the online Global Sauna Survey (2016-2017) that I conducted, greater use of either steam rooms (also known as wet saunas) or dry saunas was linked to higher quality-of-life scores. Strikingly, it was the mental not the physical components of well-being measurements that were higher.

As to the differences between these hot activities, two small studies from Poland – both with only 10 participants – show how steam rooms put extra physical stress on the body. Dry saunas and steam rooms increase your skin and core body temperatures, causing various physiological changes, but these changes happen a lot faster and with more intensity in steam rooms because your sweating responses are dampened, literally.

Dry saunas stimulate sweating and steam rooms reduce our ability to sweat. You may feel like you are sweating just as much in a steam room, but the droplets on your body are more likely to be condensed water from the humid air than perspiration.

How this affects us mentally remains to be meaningfully studied. It probably comes down to personal preference and how your mind and body react to the thermal stress of a dry sauna or steam room.

Whole-body heat exposure is known to have several similarities to exercise. Like those who prefer high-intensity exercise to low-intensity forms, there are also those who prefer steam rooms to dry saunas, and vice versa. A lot more research needs to be done to determine all the benefits (and risks) of both.

The mention of “self-flagellation” is worth further inspection. On the contrary, most sauna bathers in the Global Sauna Survey indicated enjoyment, improved sleep and stress relief as a result of their hot activities.

Jari Laukkanen University of Eastern Finland

Both saunas and steam rooms may offer health benefits that come from heating the whole body, so the effects should be similar for both. However, our studies have only looked at the effects of dry Finnish-type saunas, where temperatures reach around 80°C.

We have found that this type of sauna bathing is associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and fatalities, as well as a lower risk of high blood pressure and strokes.

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