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Optimum Wellness & Recovery - Limericks newest and largest sports recovery room
At Optimum Wellness & Recovery , we offer the facilities to help your body recover with the use of jacuzzis, saunas, ice baths and normatec recovery boots in a relaxed and comfortable environment.
The CryoSpa Sport offers optimum ice bath therapy and has proven to be an integral part of recovery strategy for many athletes for recovery, minimising fatigue and lowering the risk of injury.
Infrared Saunas promote relief from sore muscles, relaxation, relief from joint pain, detoxification and improved circulation. The Infrared sauna is USB and Bluetooth equipped for music. This can reach up to 65 degrees, for those who really want to feel the heat!
Normatec uses air compression technology to relieve muscle aches and to increase circulation to the treated areas. Normatec recovery boots are used by many athletes to reduce inflammation and pain and to help speed up recovery. These use dynamic air compression and 3 pulse massage patterns to increase blood flow aiding recovery.
Hyperice massage guns and rollers, backballer
Our Myofascial release area consists of a range of hyperice massage guns and rollers and BackBaller foam rollers. Helping to relieve muscle tension, so you train harder and recover faster.
Sit down and relax in our 40 degree heated jacuzzi.
We cater from individuals up to large team bookings
Bookings can be made by contacting 087 0901617 or sending us a DM on social media or emailing optimumwellnessandrecovery@gmail.com
To find us when entering Eastlink Estate, turn left on entry and we are just around the corner on the right.
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Departing General Manager Emma White
Cllr Stephen Keary says "couples from outside the community are using Rathkeale as a wedding mecca"
The incident happened in the Dromcollogher area
Kieran Brady of Upper Athea, Athea is accused of making a threat in a video sent via Snapchat
The incident happened at a nightclub in Limerick city
Calling all parents! Are you availing of subsidised early childhood care and education?
MS. Kelly Walsh, Coláiste Nano Nagle, Limerick, first place winner, Maha Shahzadi, Coláiste Nano Nagle, Limerick with Padraig Fitzgerald, BD RCI’s Site Director. Picture: Alan Place
Portumna Golf Club - Come and play at one of Ireland's top parkland courses
New clinician-led service uses artificial intelligence to screen and map moles
Latest movies at Limerick Omniplex - news, reviews and trailers
Photo (Left to Right): Kevin Meaney, MD AGENT Digital ; Graeme Conkie MD SmartHost.
Caherdavin Physical Therapy - 'Reducing your pain and getting you moving is our goal'
Diarmaid who? Young Carla shows perfect poise taking a shot on the green grass of UL
In Pictures: Regeneron STEM Academy recognises Limerick students
The case was heard before Kilmallock Court
Dr Des Fitzgerald departed UL in 2020 | PICTURE: Alan Place
The GARDA Siochana Ombudsman Commission has published its annual report for 2021
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