• Rodger Fleming heads to Birmingham for 2022 World Games | 13wmaz.com

    by admin on 2022-07-01 20:01:20

    Example video title will go here for this video

    MACON, Ga. — Through the doors of Body Awareness Performance and Therapy, you’ll meet the owner, Rodger Fleming.

    His work in Macon has taken him as far as Guatemala and, now, to next week's World Games in Birmingham, Alabama, with

  • Taking Health to the Next Level with Advanced Health and Wellness in Newnan | The City Menus

    by admin on 2022-07-01 20:01:18

    Advanced Health and Wellness is bringing you holistic healing modalities to optimize your life, vitality and wellbeing with their newly opened center in downtown Newnan! Dr. Jason Bailey, DC’s practice, formerly Advanced Chiropractic, has grown far beyond that of a standard chiropractor, wit

  • Podcast | Gov. Jay Inslee on Roe v. Wade, COVID-19 and climate policy | Crosscut

    by admin on 2022-07-01 20:01:09

    For the first in a series of conversations with statewide leaders, the governor discusses the challenges facing the state and how he has used his office to respond.

    Washington Gov. Jay Inslee speaks during a news conference in Olympia, Wash., on Thursday, June 3, 2021. Inslee announced

  • 32 Hoboken + Jersey City News Stories You Missed This Week - Hoboken Girl

    by admin on 2022-07-01 20:01:07

    As we tiptoe into 2022, we’ve got you covered with the highlights of what happened this week in Hoboken + Jersey City. Among the local headlines: the source of the Chambord Hoboken fire has been released, Jersey City’s More Life Cafe announced it will be closing, Milk Sugar Love is now

  • 32 Hoboken + Jersey City News Stories You Missed This Week - Hoboken Girl

    by admin on 2022-07-01 20:01:06

    As we tiptoe into 2022, we’ve got you covered with the highlights of what happened this week in Hoboken + Jersey City. Among the local headlines: the source of the Chambord Hoboken fire has been released, Jersey City’s More Life Cafe announced it will be closing, Milk Sugar Love is now

  • Twitter

    by admin on 2022-07-01 20:00:50

    Traveling tips, deals, info from moms and families

    June 28, 2022 //  by Kimberly Miles

    If exploring underwater caves, shipwreck diving and snorkeling sound like your family’s idea of a good time, a vacation to Bermuda is right up your alley! With pink sand b

  • Twitter

    by admin on 2022-07-01 20:00:50

    Traveling tips, deals, info from moms and families

    June 28, 2022 //  by Kimberly Miles

    If exploring underwater caves, shipwreck diving and snorkeling sound like your family’s idea of a good time, a vacation to Bermuda is right up your alley! With pink sand b

  • Raid On Gay Sauna In Bolivia Reveals The Many Faces Of Homophobia - Worldcrunch

    by admin on 2022-07-01 20:00:21

    Sign up to our expressly international daily newsletter.

    Police raided a gay sauna. The police's actions — and the following media storm – were violent in more ways than one.

    View at night of Civica avenue in Bolivian city of El Alto<

  • Raid On Gay Sauna In Bolivia Reveals The Many Faces Of Homophobia - Worldcrunch

    by admin on 2022-07-01 20:00:19

    Sign up to our expressly international daily newsletter.

    Police raided a gay sauna. The police's actions — and the following media storm – were violent in more ways than one.

    View at night of Civica avenue in Bolivian city of El Alto<

  • Jennifer Sheahan: How to use shipping containers to create homes

    by admin on 2022-07-01 20:00:12

    Cargo container house with garden concept. Picture: iStock

    There's nothing like a crisis to inspire innovation. With soaring property prices, lengthy construction delays, and a serious supply shortage, many in Ireland have been left with no choice but to get creative about their living s