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Here’s where to go when you want to warm up — without needing a membership or an additional treatmen
Check out The Home Depot's sale on hot tubs and saunas.
Jacuzzis feature in many imaginings of what a perfect backyard setup might look like — after all, they’re like a socially acceptable outdoor bath with constant bubbles, and one that’s OK to drink in, too (just mind the dehyd
Try a personal sauna from the comfort of your own home!
I, for one, am convinced it was "The Simpsons" who put the idea of a jacuzzi suit out into the world for major retailers like Wayfair and Amazon to poach and perfect for the comfort-loving people who need hot water in its many forms
Brooklyn is a borough of many a wonderful thing: 19th-century brownstones; farm-to-table restaurants; No. 6 shearling clogs; and more artists, writers, and designers than investment bankers and tech bros. But upon hopping the river from Manhattan, one might be forgiven for thinking all the bes
Science and old-world design come together in this uniquely sustainable retreat set in a beautiful and remote Canadian landscape
Built on a well-worn slab of prehistoric bedrock along the shoreline of Lake Huron’s sparkling Georgian Bay in Ontario, Canada, the 800-square-
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Jody says saunas connect her with her Finnish heritage, promote wellness, and have given her lasting memories.
Last weekend, we were invited to our neighbor’s sauna. It was a last-minute invitation, and I was in the middle of baking Korvapuusti, which are Finnish cinnamon rolls. I was